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Bangladesh Public Holidays 2024


Bangladesh Public Holidays 2024

A nationwide calendar of all Bangladesh's public holidays for 2024 can be found on this website. Please check back often for updates as these dates are subject to change once formal modifications are notified.

21 FebWedShaheed Day
26 FebMonShab e-Barat
17 MarSunSheikh Mujibur Rahman's Birthday
26 MarTueIndependence Day
5 AprFriJumatul Bidah
6 AprSatLaylat al-Qadr
9 AprTueEid ul-Fitr Holiday
10 AprWedEid ul-Fitr
11 AprThuEid ul-Fitr Holiday
14 AprSunBengali New Year
1 MayWedMay Day
23 MayThuBuddha Purnima
16 JunSunEid ul-Adha Holiday
17 JunMonEid ul-Adha
18 JunTueEid ul-Adha Holiday
17 JulWedAshura
15 AugThuNational Mourning Day
26 AugMonShuba Janmashtami
16 SepMonEid-e-Milad un-Nabi
13 OctSunVijaya Dashami
16 DecMonVictory Day
25 DecWedChristmas Day


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